

Jesus had 12 disciples. He had a lot of people who came to see him for several reasons; some needed food, some needed healing, some needed their dear ones to be delivered from illness, demons, or death. Jesus had 3.5 years to minister on earth, specifically to his disciples and appoint them to carry on the good news. When he ascended to heaven, he commissioned his disciples to go to all nations and make disciples, to baptize them and to teach them to obey his commandments. There were about 120 people who really believed this and gathered in the upper room to wait upon the ‘helper’. That is a small number compared to the magnitude of the burden placed on them to evangelize the world. But when the Holy spirit came on them, they were filled with passion that they truly believed Jesus will come back soon and they need to evangelize the world. They waited upon the Holy Spirit for their every move. They stayed when they were asked to stay, moved when they were asked to move and went where they were asked to go. They didn’t have much experience to work with – only 3.5 years of what they have heard, but they were filled, and they were on fire. They are the ones who carried the great commission - and here we are today still carrying it on where there is a multitude of Christians to carry the burden of the mission instead of the initial 120. Made me wonder what I am doing to follow this directive that God himself appointed us to do. Am I being obedient to that commission within the circle of people around me? Do I think it is someone else’s job and not mine? Am I that disciple who received a talent only to hide it worrying that my master is a hard man who would harvest where he has not sown and gather where he has not scattered seed? Am I faithful with my one talent and am I willing to guide, pray over and mentor those around me? Do I look for an opportunity to follow the directives given to me?

In 2 Samuel 24:24, Davis says “I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing”. What is my offering costing me? As followers of the living God, we believe attending church, and a prayer life at our convenience pleases the Lord. It sure does please the Lord when His children desire to spend time with Him. But is our time with the Lord a priority that we are willing to sacrifice something or pay a price for it? If we ‘work God in’ to our daily schedule and miss ‘time with God’ if we get busy, we may have to wonder what our priorities are. Over generations who worship the Lord in truth and spirit, the wonder of his presence and the fervor to establish his kingdom on this earth slowly diluted in our minds. If we ourselves have lost the wonder, how will the next generation carry this truth? Do we model this for our children and for people who look up to us? 

My prayer is that we will be a people who desire to stand in alignment with holiness, righteousness and obedience to the mission and mandate that is placed in our hearts. That our focus and priority is to make His voice louder than any other, and our heart’s desire is to be in tune with the Holy Spirit to carry out the great commission and to model that to the next generation creating a passion for establishing His kingdom on this earth. May I reflect Christ in my words and actions, and may I be willing and unashamed to proclaim His saving grace in my daily walk that nothing or no one would keep me from fulfilling the message of the cross.

Written by: Anu Varghese


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